How To Prevent Yeast Infections

Posted on: 2 June 2023


Getting a yeast infection is one of the most unpleasant things that a woman can experience. If you suspect that you have a yeast infection, you should visit your gynecologist and get treatment for it. However, once your gynecologist has helped you to remedy the problem, you need to prevent it from occurring again.  

The best way to do this is by developing healthy habits that will help prevent yeast infections. The following are some of the best ways for helping you to ward off infection.

Wear the Right Clothing

You need to make sure that you are wearing the right type of clothing to help prevent yeast infections. The type of underwear that you choose is important. Make sure that you choose cotton and silk underwear as this can help prevent moisture in the vaginal area.

Stay away from underwear that is made of nylon and synthetic fabrics as they tend to make moisture stick to the skin and this encourages the growth of yeast. Be careful how you wear pantyhose, leggings, and tights, as they can cause moisture to develop in that area as well.

Avoid Douching

Douching is not a good idea especially if you have previously suffered from a yeast infection. Douching is known to destroy not just harmful bacteria in the vagina but those that are helpful as well. 

Some bacteria help you prevent yeast infections and you need those. If you douche regularly, you run the risk of disrupting the lining of the vagina and this will make it easier for you to get yeast infections. 

Make Dietary Changes

Making dietary changes is one way in which you also help to prevent yeast infections. Reducing the amount of sugar that you are eating can help. Try eating food such as plain yogurt because it contains friendly bacteria that can help to ward off yeast infections. You should also consider taking probiotic supplements as well because these can be helpful.

Getting a yeast infection is avoidable if you are careful with how you dress and how you cleanse yourself. Make sure that you are eating foods and taking supplements that help fight these infections. 

As you can see, it is a combination of things that will help you to prevent a yeast infection. By being consistent in the actions discussed here you will experience fewer or no yeast infections.

Contact a local gynecology service to learn more.