4 Weight Management Treatments You Can Try

Posted on: 13 January 2022


Maintaining a healthy weight can help you find relief from unwanted gynecological symptoms, such as heavy periods. If you're currently overweight, losing weight can increase your chance of conceiving a child and having a healthy pregnancy. Fortunately, OB-GYN doctors can help patients manage their weight. Here are some weight management treatments that you may be interested in.

1. Weight Loss Support Groups

Some people find it easier to lose weight when they have encouragement. Your doctor can put you in touch with a weight loss support group. Peer support can encourage you to stick to your diet and exercise plan, even when it's difficult. Weight loss support groups can help people lose weight in healthy ways while avoiding the temptation of crash diets. 

2. Nutritional Counseling

A poor diet can cause weight gain, but it can be difficult to know what foods you should eat to lose weight. Fad diets are often unhealthy, leading to nutrient deficiencies and even rebound weight gain. If you would like to lose weight, you can talk to your doctor about your desire to make lifestyle changes. Your doctor can provide nutritional counseling that will help you choose healthy, low-calorie foods to satisfy your hunger while still losing weight. Working with a doctor will ensure that you maintain appropriate levels of nutrients even while cutting calories.

3. Counseling

Weight gain can be caused by many things, but there is often a psychological component to it. It's not uncommon for people to overeat during times of stress. After all, eating can provide pleasure and comfort. Unfortunately, overeating can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Your OB-GYN doctor can help you find a counselor who can help you deal with your emotional issues. Counseling can help you find ways to manage your feelings that don't involve food. 

4. Birth Control

Your current birth control regimen may be contributing to your weight gain. Although some women experience no side effects from birth control, others may find their waistline increasing. If you think that you're current birth control is contributing to your weight gain, you should speak to your OB-GYN doctor about your concerns. Your doctor can help you find a type of birth control that will give you the desired results without impacting your weight. A different birth control pill may give you fewer side effects. You can also try non-hormonal forms of birth control, such as the copper IUD.