Possible Causes Of Persistent Vaginal Itching

Posted on: 10 October 2019


Vaginal itching can make it difficult to get through the day, let alone enjoy intimacy. If you often experience vaginal itching, this is not a symptom you should ignore. Rather, you should talk to your OBGYN, who will help you determine which of the following causes may be to blame for your discomfort.

1. Allergies and Sensitivities

Sometimes the itching may be due to something you are exposed to. Some women are sensitive to certain soaps, especially those that contain dyes and perfumes. This is luckily a pretty easy fix — you can just switch to milder, unscented soaps! If you are using any type of deodorant or spray down there, your itching could also be a reaction to that product, so it is a good idea to stop using it. 

You could also be sensitive to the fabric in your underwear. Pay attention to whether the itching is more serious when you wear certain pairs. Switching to plain, white cotton panties works well for many women.

2. Yeast Infections

Is your itching accompanied by a thick, white discharge? If so, you probably have a yeast infection. Most women think of yeast infections as an issue that comes and goes, but they can be long-lasting. Some women can have a mild, underlying yeast infection for years. 

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the yeast that typically live in the vaginal canal. They are luckily pretty easy to treat with anti-fungal medications. Your OBGYN may prescribe an oral anti-fungal, which should work better than the topical products you can buy at the pharmacy. 

3. Sexually Transmitted Infections

It's possible that you have an underlying STD that is causing the itching. Chlamydia is a rather common STD caused by a certain species of bacteria. It is easily cured with an antibiotic, but prompt treatment is important since it can cause infertility if left untreated. Gonorrhea can also cause vaginal itching. often along with painful urination, vaginal discharge, and bleeding between periods. It is also treatable with antibiotics.

4. Menopause

Are you 40 or older? It could be that you're simply approaching menopause! This happens earlier than expected for some women. The changes in hormone levels can lead to vaginal dryness, which leads to itching. Your OBGYN can prescribe estrogen creams to help with the itching and dryness. They can also talk to you about the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy as you age.

Don't ignore vaginal itching. The causes are almost always treatable!