
  • How to Ease Anxiety About Seeing the Gynecologist

    As much as you know that seeing the gynecologist for regular exams is important, you are bound to feel a bit nervous about this undertaking. If your feelings are more than a little nervousness—perhaps bordering on anxiety—you may put off appointments. Here are some ways to calm your anxiety in relation to gynecology appointments  1. Arrange to see a female gynecologist Is some of your anxiety related to having a male doctor examine you?
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  • Understanding Cervical Cryosurgery: Is It Right For You?

    As a woman, you most likely understand the importance of annual exams that include pap smears. This test involves swabbing cells from the cervix to determine if you have any cells that can lead to cervical cancer. While the presence these cells does not automatically signify cancer, removing pre-cancerous cells is imperative for preventing the disease. Cervical cryotherapy is one of the least invasive options for removing these cells successfully. With this guide, you will understand the process of this procedure and learn if it is the right option for you.
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  • Four Ways To Help Get Past Postpartum Depression

    Having a baby is suppose to be a joyous occasion, but as a new mom, you may find yourself feeling every emotion but joy. Hormonal swings, sleep deprivation, anxiety and trying to figure out how to juggle all of your new responsibilities may lead to you having a case of postpartum depression. You are not alone. It is estimated that 11 - 25% of women who experience pregnancy suffer from this condition.
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  • 3 Questions To Ask During Your First Pregnancy Appointment

    Learning you are pregnant is an exciting and joyous moment. Unfortunately, this excitement may often overshadow the need to focus on your health and wellness. Your body will physically and emotionally change during the course of your pregnancy. Not only will you need to change your diet to help nourish your unborn child, but you will also carry around extra weight, which places stress on your muscles and joints. The proper understanding of these changes will reduce your risk of dangerous medical conditions.
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  • 2 Things To Expect At Your First Appointment With An Infertility Doctor

    If you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for quite some time without success, or with several miscarriages, then your regular OBGYN may suggest that you visit an infertility specialist. This kind of a doctor will be able to give you specialized treatment that other OBGYNs can't because of their extensive schooling and training dealing specifically with infertility. It can sometimes be a bit nerve wracking to visit an infertility specialist for the very first time, and you may have no idea what to expect.
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  • 3 Things Every Woman Should Know Before Going On Birth Control

    Thinking about going on birth control? If so, then you'll want to speak with an OBGYN. Most women will wait until their annual pelvic exam to ask their doctor for a birth control prescription, but you can call and schedule an appointment to get on hormonal birth control at any time. Before you begin a birth control prescription, however, there are a few things every woman should know. It's Not Just for Preventing Pregnancy
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  • 3 Great Questions To Ask Your OBGYN While In Your Second Trimester Of Your First Pregnancy

    When a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, she is going to experience a lot of firsts. A woman's body goes through a great deal of changes during pregnancy, many of which are things that most women have never felt before. These changes, and simply pregnancy in general, can lead to a lot of questions. Thankfully OBGYNs are there to answer these questions. It is often a good idea to write them down and bring them with you to your prenatal appointments.
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  • Normal Changes To Expect With Your Periods As You Hit Your 40s And 50s

    Women all go through a change of life called menopause, but changes with menstrual cycles begin occurring years before this change fully takes place. If you are in your 40s or 50s, you can expect changes to start happening, and this is completely normal as your body begins to prepare for menopause. Here are some of the changes you should expect as well as signs that you should visit an OBGYN for advice or help.
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